Results for 'Mauricio Lugo Vázquez'

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  1. Las revoluciones modernas : entre la libertad y la necesidad.Mauricio Lugo Vázquez - 2022 - In Claudia Tame Domínguez, López López & José Luis (eds.), Reflexiones críticas sobre la filosofía de Luis Villoro: un homenaje en el centenario de su nacimiento. [Puebla, Mexico?]: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
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    Reseña de "Hunianismo en el umbral del tercer milenio".Mauricio Lugo - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 4:229-234.
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    Current Overview of Scientific Production Associated with Governance in University: A Bibliometric Analysis.Edgar German Martínez, Elizabeth Sánchez Vázquez, Fernando Augusto Poveda Aguja, Lugo Manuel Barbosa Guerrero & Edgar Olmedo Cruz Mican - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):37-46.
    The main objective of this research is to identify the current panorama of scientific production associated with governance in university institutions. A bibliometric analysis was developed in Scopus using R Core Team 2022-Bibliometrix and Vosviewer software. The results highlight the countries with the highest productivity in the topic of study, with the most representative authors favoring the understanding of governance. The main thematic clusters stand out. It recognizes the role of university governance and its migration to direct spaces and the (...)
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    Perspective of Governance in University Institutions in Virtual Digital Environments.Edgar German Martínez, Elizabeth Sánchez Vázquez, Fernando Augusto Poveda Aguja, Lugo Manuel Barbosa Guerrero & Edgar Olmedo Cruz Mican - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):71-81.
    Study was born in the construction of problem concepts in the deployment of a governance strategy in institutions under digital environments, a technical position of understanding from South America is raised, the initial hypothesis of knowing aspects and determining requirements, an efficient model of governance can be achieved from the use and application of ICT, which allow to argue the as of the process, The use ICT, TAC, TEP as change managers in virtuality, to interact in a disruptive way, the (...)
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    Development of Speaking in English for Specific Purposes in the Medical career.Neida Loreta Ortiz Sánchez, Madelaine Zamora González, Bárbaro Michel Díaz Bueno, Mercedes Vázquez Lugo & Dialys Ángela Rodríguez González - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):285-300.
    En la educación médica cubana se ha diseñado un currículo para el cumplimiento de su encargo social donde se inserta la enseñanza del inglés. Actualmente constituye una prioridad trabajar en la búsqueda de estrategias que favorezcan el perfeccionamiento idiomático de los egresados, en este sentido se desarrolló una investigación en la Filial de Ciencias Médicas de Colón con el objetivo de desarrollar la expresión oral en el inglés con fines específicos en el tercer año de la carrera de Medicina. Se (...)
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    Puella est domina sui corporis.Sven K. Knebel - 2022 - Studia Neoaristotelica 19 (2):177-220.
    Who owns the girl’s body, the parents, or the daughter herself? In Catholic casuistry, this issue has not only been occasionally touched upon, it has been topical among the commentators on Aquinas (STh II-II, q. 154, a. 6) from the 16th up to the 18th centuries. Nevertheless, modern scholarship ignores this big dispute. The distortion of early modern history in consequence thereof precludes a fair appraisal of the achievements of the Christian schools within the Habsburgian commonwealth. Whereas the Iberian Peninsula (...)
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    Aplicación de la inteligencia artificial en el Derecho Penal: problemas y desafios.María Paula Ávila Zea & Ana Fabiola Zamora Vázquez - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (9):e240142.
    La integración de la tecnología en el ámbito del derecho penal plantea desafíos significativos debido a la falta de regulación de la inteligencia artificial (IA), lo que podría comprometer los derechos fundamentales. Este estudio se centra en abordar estos desafíos y proponer soluciones mediante un análisis exhaustivo de la situación actual y las posibles implicaciones de la IA en el sistema jurídico penal. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar los problemas, desafíos y oportunidades que surgen con la implementación (...)
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    How Not to Learn From Catastrophe: Habermas, Critical Theory and the “Catastrophization” of Political Life.Antonio Y. Vázquez-Arroyo - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (5):0090591713492776.
    This essay conceptualizes the intersections between contemporary catastrophes and political life by exploring how narratives of catastrophe mediate discursive and objective processes of catastrophization. It argues for the need to counteract catastrophization, a discursive and objective political phenomenon, by not only re-cognizing how catastrophes impinge on political life but by offering a more critical understanding of this intersection. The essay thus calls for the politicization of catastrophe as a response to the “catastrophization of political life.” Apropos of these concerns, it (...)
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    Síndrome de Burnout entre hombres y mujeres medido por el clima y la satisfacción laboral.Mauricio Ramírez Pérez & Sau-Lyn Lee Maturana - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 30.
    El presente estudio busca determinar posibles diferencias por sexo en la aparición de variables asociadas al síndrome de Burnout medidos a través del clima y la satisfacción organizacional en una muestra de 233 trabajadores de la ciudad de Arica, pertenecientes a cinco diferentes actividades económicas (educación, salud, comercio de tangibles e intangibles, y administración pública).
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  10. Discriminación indirecta por razón de sexo: sentencia que no analiza la dimensión constitucional de una solicitud de reducción de jornada por razones de guarda legal de un menor.Luis F. Vázquez Simón - 2007 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:79-101.
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  11. Dos Versiones Rivales sobre la Tolerancia. La Crítica de Michael Sandel a John Rawls”.Mauricio Correa Casanova - 2006 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 1 (14):97-119.
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    Antiquities and Classical Traditions in Latin America ed. by Andrew Laird and Nicola Miller.Adriana Vazquez - 2020 - American Journal of Philology 141 (1):136-139.
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    Biological fitness and action opportunity of natural selection in an urban population of cuba: Plaza de la revolución, havana.Vanessa Vazquez, Verónica Alonso & Francisco Luna - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (2):155.
  14. Contextualismo integrativo: una manera de ordenar los distintos conceptos de justificación epistémica.Ricardo Vazquez Gutierrez & Jonatan Garcia Campos - 2013 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 28 (1):27-44.
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    La noción de logismoí en Evagrio Póntico: el correlato cognitivo de las pasiones enfermas.Santiago Hernán Vazquez - 2019 - Endoxa 43:67.
    El presente trabajo se propone profundizar en una noción característica de la obra del filósofo tardoantiguo, Evagrio Póntico. Dicha noción es la de logismoí. Las distintas modulaciones y sentidos con que Evagrio se refiere a este tópico, justifica la necesidad de acercarse a éste a fin de lograr una conceptualización coherente del mismo que contemple todos sus sentidos. Se trata principalmente de dilucidar si estamos frente a una realidad psíquica y/o frente a lo que nuestro autor considera una sugestión preternatural. (...)
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    La Sociología de Los Valores de Nathalie Heinich y Sus Aportes Para El Derecho.Gonzalo Javier Vazquez - 2023 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 57:237-262.
    En el presente artículo se analizará, en primer lugar, la importancia de incorporar la dimensión social al análisis jurídico a partir de un enfoque interdisciplinario riguroso que permite articular las exigencias metodológicas de cada ciencia y así evitar el sincretismo (I). Luego, se desarrollará cómo la sociología de los valores de Nathalie Heinich puede resultar un marco teórico-conceptual relevante para dotar de racionalidad al discurso jurídico cuando se incorporan argumentos de naturaleza social (II). Finalmente, se planteará que lo expuesto en (...)
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    (1 other version)Minima Humana: Adorno, Exile, and the Dialectic.A. Y. Vazquez-Arroyo - 2009 - Télos 2009 (149):105-125.
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    Spatializing food: Signs, spaces, and the legal (dis-)composition of what we eat.Melisa Vazquez - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (227):1-17.
    What does it mean to spatialize food? Why combine such an analysis with law, or with signs and spaces? Leveraging Peircean-inspired legal semiotic theory, the spatialized nature of food will serve as a porthole through which a semiotic view of the spatial dimensions of legal experience can be discerned and elaborated. Specifically, case studies of the simultaneously material and immaterial aspects of food will support an analysis that seeks to open avenues of conceptualization regarding categories. The semiotic nature of both (...)
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  19. " La filosofía de Eugenio d'Ors": de JL Aranguren.Mauricio de Iriarte - 1946 - Pensamiento 2 (6):203-210.
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  20. Entre o ser e o não-ser.Lúcio Marques & Maurício Reis (eds.) - 2016
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    Perspectivas de la modernidad: siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII.Jean-Paul Margot, Mauricio Zuluaga & Leiser Madanes (eds.) - 2011 - Cali, Colombia: Universidad del Valle, Programa Editorial.
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    Retornando al Hotel de Hilbert.Juan Pablo Jorge & Hernán Luis Vázquez - 2021 - Revista de Educación Matemática 36 (2):67-87.
    Some partitions of Natural Number set are built through recursive processesgenerating in this manner countable examples of countable and disjoint sets whose unionis a set also countable. This process is constructive, so the Axiom of choice is not used.We provide a PC program that generates one of these special partitions and shows howto generate infinite of them. This line of reasoning can have multiple applications in Settheory and Model theory. We proved that the number of ways to make these partitionsof (...)
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    Identificacion de competencias Del docente de excelencia de la universidad Del bio-bio.Carlos Mauricio Salazar Botello & Rodrigo Yobanolo Bonvallet - 2002 - Theoria 11 (1):77-85.
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    The Evolution of the Concept of Historical Narration: Apogee and Crisis of the Dialectical Idea of Narration.Mauricio Casanova Brito - 2014 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 16 (2):9-19.
    A pesar de que los historiadores han considerado frecuentemente que el conocimiento histórico moderno surge como contraparte a la filosofía de la historia y el positivismo, en la idea tradicional de narración la herencia de la filosofía dialéctica de Hegel es recurrente: en ambos casos, el devenir de la auto-constitución del ser determina el método de conocimiento. Hegel afirma que las fases de la lógica no son solamente condiciones trascendentales que hacen posible la experiencia, sino etapas en la auto-determinación del (...)
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  25. La lechuza de Minerva y el 18 de julio.Víctor Vázquez Quiroga - 1996 - El Basilisco 20:47-54.
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  26. Development of materials for automotive disc brake.Omar Maluf, Maurício Angeloni, Marcelo Tadeu Milan, Dirceu Spinelli & Waldek Wladimir Bose Filho - 2007 - Minerva 4 (2):149-158.
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    El animal y el hombre. Derrida lector de Heidegger.Manuel E. Vázquez García - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (2):321-326.
    The question of the limit and the difference between man and animal has become a philosophical issue of special relevance. Just look at its political, social, economic, etc. implications. For the first time man can direct his evolutionary process. From that context, the Heideggerian arguments on the subject are analyzed and discussed, taking their Derridian reading as a conductive thread. It reveals the contradiction between the thematic and operational need for a limit and the impossibility of founding it.
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    Optimizing Administrative Accounting: Innovative Strategies for Efficient Decision-Making and Sustainable Financial Management.Marco Mauricio Chávez Haro, Jorge Andrés Acosta Strobel, Pablo Antonio Mancheno Neira & María Belén Bravo Avalos - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1479-1491.
    A systematic review was carried out on the production and publication of research papers related to the study of the variables Administrative Accounting, Innovation, Financial Management and Sustainability, the PRISMA approach (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses). The purpose of the analysis proposed in this document was to know the main characteristics of the publications registered in the Scopus and Wos databases and their scope in the study of the proposed variables, achieving the identification of 58 publications in (...)
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    Argucias de la historia: siglo XIX, cultura y "América Latina".Mauricio Tenorio-Trillo - 1999
    En tiempos mas optimistas podia pensarse que el presente era la culminacion de la historia. Con mas modestia, hoy pensamos que el presente es solo una y no muy afortunada de las posibilidades de la historia. La hipotesis que calladamente organiza el libro de Mauricio Tenorio es mas arriesgada y menos lugubre: que la historia es una de las posibilidades del presente, uno de los modos en que puede constituirse el presente y resultar inteligible. Dicho de otro modo, lo (...)
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    Evidential Legal Reasoning: Crossing Civil Law and Common Law Traditions.Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Carmen Vázquez (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a transnational perspective of evidentiary problems, drawing on insights from different systems and legal traditions. It avoids the isolated manner of analyzing evidence and proof within each Common Law and Civil Law tradition. Instead, it features contributions from leading authors in the evidentiary field from a variety of jurisdictions and offers an overview of essential topics that are of both theoretical and practical interest. The collection examines evidence not only as a transnational field, but in a cross-disciplinary (...)
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    (1 other version)<< Disputatio saecularis et iacobitae >>: Actores y autor de un tratado inmaculista pseudoluliano del siglo XV.Isaac Vázquez Janeiro - 1997 - Salmanticensis 44 (1):25-87.
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    La cuestión de la misa y comunión frecuente y cotidiana a finales del siglo XVI: Una apología inédita de Fray Pedro Cañedo, OFM.Isaac Vázquez Janeiro - 2002 - Salmanticensis 49 (2):289-307.
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    Algunas limitaciones epistemológicas sobre los posibles futuros climáticos, políticos y socioeconómicos en Leviatán climático de Geoff Mann y Joel Wainwright.Heber Vázquez Jiménez - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (47):81-115.
    Este artículo examina la obra Leviatán Climático de Geoff Mann y Joel Wainwright, que detalla las implicaciones políticas del cambio climático antropogénico y esboza cuatro posibles futuros sociopolíticos. Sin embargo, el libro presenta notables limitaciones epistemológicas en su tratamiento de los escenarios climáticos basados en las Trayectorias de Concentración Representativas (rcps), tal y como se utilizan en el Quinto Reporte de Evaluación del ipcc. En respuesta a las críticas de Mann y Wainwright, este análisis describe brevemente otro marco que considera (...)
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  34. O neoconstitucionalismo E a concretização da dignidade da Pessoa idosa.Ricardo Maurício Freire Soares & Gilson Alves de Santana Júnior - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (2).
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  35. Historia de las ideas políticas y jurídicas: Desde la antigüedad hasta Maquiavelo.Plazas Vega & Mauricio Alfredo - 2023 - Bogotá: Editorial Temis S.A..
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    Traveling and Inclusion: A Stakeholder Approach to Tourism Experiences for Families with Children with Disabilities.Flor Morton & Mario Vázquez-Maguirre - 2024 - Humanistic Management Journal 9 (1):121-144.
    The aim of this research is to propose a framework to remedy potential dignity violations to families with children with disabilities seeking tourism experiences. We build on a systematic literature review on the topic of tourism of families with children with disabilities to propose a conceptual framework of dignity protection for this segment. This framework analyzes the responsibilities of four stakeholders (service providers, government, other tourists, and families) classified into dignity thresholds, to reduce attitudinal, information, and infrastructure barriers faced by (...)
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    El "Segundo Éxodo" en Qumrán (4Q462).Jaime Vázquez Allegue - 2000 - Salmanticensis 47 (1):61-83.
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    "Jurar por Dios" en Qumrán (cd 15, 1-2).Jaime Vázquez Allegue - 2001 - Salmanticensis 48 (1):123-148.
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    Robustly embodied imagination and the limits of perspective-taking.María Jimena Clavel Vázquez & Adriana Clavel-Vázquez - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (4):1395-1420.
    Experiential imagination consists in an imaginative projection that aims at simulating the experiences one would undergo in different circumstances. It has been traditionally thought to play a role in how we build our lives, engage with other agents, and appreciate art. Although some philosophers have recently expressed doubts over the capacity of experiential imagination to offer insight into the perspective of someone other than our present-selves, experiential imagination remains a much sought-after tool. This paper substantiates pessimism about the epistemological value (...)
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  40. Rethinking autonomism: Beauty in a world of moral anarchy.Adriana Clavel-Vazquez - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (7):e12501.
    Advocates of the ethical criticism of art claim that works' ethical defects or merits have an impact on their aesthetic value. Against ethical critics, autonomists claim that moral criteria should not be part of the considerations when evaluating works of art as art. Autonomism refers to the view that an artwork's aesthetic value is independent from its ethical value. The purpose of this paper is to examine how autonomism has been defended in the contemporary discussion in analytic aesthetics. I present (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Scientific representation.Mauricio Suárez - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (1):91-101.
    Scientific representation is a currently booming topic, both in analytical philosophy and in history and philosophy of science. The analytical inquiry attempts to come to terms with the relation between theory and world; while historians and philosophers of science aim to develop an account of the practice of model building in the sciences. This article provides a review of recent work within both traditions, and ultimately argues for a practice-based account of the means employed by scientists to effectively achieve representation (...)
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    How Not to Learn From Catastrophe.Antonio Y. Vázquez-Arroyo - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (5):738-765.
    This essay conceptualizes the intersections between contemporary catastrophes and political life by exploring how narratives of catastrophe mediate discursive and objective processes of catastrophization. It argues for the need to counteract catastrophization, a discursive and objective political phenomenon, by not only re-cognizing how catastrophes impinge on political life but by offering a more critical understanding of this intersection. The essay thus calls for the politicization of catastrophe as a response to the “catastrophization of political life.” Apropos of these concerns, it (...)
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    Containing (un)American Bodies: Race, Sexuality, and Post-9/11 Constructions of Citizenship.Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo & Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo (eds.) - 2010 - Rodopi.
    ¿The authors argue that queer, black, brown, and foreign bodies, and the so-called threats they represent, such as immigration reform and same-sex marriage, have been effectively linked with terrorism. These awful conflations¿ are enduring and help to explain the contradictions of contemporary U.S. politics. We are far from a post post-9/11 world.¿ Ronald R. Sundstrom, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, The University of San Francisco, United States ¿If you want to understand how a new biopolitics of citizenship is containing bodies (...)
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  44. Race, Bodies and Lived Realities in Get Out and Black Panther.Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo - 2019 - In Christina Rawls, Diana Neiva & Steven S. Gouveia (eds.), Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides. New York: Routledge Press, Research on Aesthetics.
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    Building an Ethnic Food Ethic: The Case of the Ngigua Indigenous People of Southern Puebla, Mexico.Diosey Ramon Lugo-Morin - 2021 - Food Ethics 7 (1).
    Food ethics in the indigenous context is associated with a historical and profound relationship that indigenous groups have with nature. To address this relationship and identify the food uses associated with the maguey plant from a biocultural perspective among the Ngigua indigenous people living in the municipality of Tlacotepec de Benito Juárez in Puebla, the three main communities in the municipality of Tlacotepec de Benito Juárez that make use of the maguey plant were chosen. The study was carried out with (...)
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    El origen del espíritu.Carlos Lugo - 1960 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Américalee.
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  47. El pensamiento social de Eligio Ayala.Christian Lugo - 2013 - In Osvaldo Gómez & Miguel Zarza (eds.), Pensadores (as) del 900. Asunción, Paraguay: Secretaria Nacional de Cultura.
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    El acoso psicológico en el trabajo: la experiencia en Puerto Rico.Miguel E. Martínez-Lugo - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:21-33.
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    The walking stick of Aesculapius: its history.Isael Armando Pérez Vazquez & Sánchez Lera - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (1):220-237.
    Se realizó la revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de que los jóvenes profesionales de la salud conozcan acerca de la historia, origen y significado del distintivo que representa a la Medicina en todos sus campos con un carácter humanista y elevados valores éticos y morales: el emblema de Esculapio, al que se le atribuyen dotes para calmar o apaciguar. Esta imagen del bastón con la serpiente es la que ha quedado como un atributo del dios curativo y ha llegado hasta (...)
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  50. Apuntes acerca del consentimiento político.Juan Claudio Acinas Vázquez - 2003 - Laguna 13:129-138.
    El objetivo principal de este artículo es defender, de acuerdo con A. John Simmons, un punto de vista que, normativamente, propone el consentimiento como condición necesaria de legitimidad y fundamento de la obligación política. Pero, descriptivamente, entiende que tal consentimiento, en tanto que autorización personal y voluntaria, todavía no ha tenido lugar en ninguna sociedad, ni siquiera democrática.
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